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Speech therapy clinic in Amritsar Speech therapist in Amritsar What is speech therapy Speech therapy is a non surgical approach for the treatment of communication and feeding problems in adults and childs both. Who provides speech therapy Speech therapy is provided by speech therapist also known as speech language therapist/speech pathologist, who is a paramedical professionalist and has a maste
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Articulation therapy in Amritsar Articulation therapist in Amritsar Speech therapist Articulation is defined as the way of producing speech sound correctly. For good articulation we need good coordination between the muscled of lungs, larynx, pharynx and articulators. The structures of mouth like tongue, lips, teeth, palate, velum, jaw, uvula are called articulators. If we are not able to produce
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Why recommended bilateral hearing aids ? The word ' bilateral' represents putting two hearing aids ie. On both ears . Bilateral fitting of hearing aids provide many benefits to the hearing aid user in comparison to the unilateral hearing aid user when we have hearing loss in both ears whether it is symmetrical or asymmetrical . * Bilateral stimulation- the signal heard stimulates the brain cont
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Occupational therapy is a health care( rehabilitation) branch that helps to solve the problem of physical, sensory and cognitive problems of all ages from 6 month's to order ages and helps to live an independent life.The job of occupational therapist that helps emotional, social and physical needs to cure all the affected barriers.
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Occupational therapy is a health care( rehabilitation) branch that helps to solve the problem of physical, sensory and cognitive problems of all ages from 6 month's to order ages and helps to live an independent life.The job of occupational therapist that helps emotional, social and physical needs to cure all the affected barriers.
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Occupational therapy in Ludhiana, Amritsar, Jalandhar , Jagraon , Sangrur
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Occupational therapy in Ludhiana, Amritsar, Jalandhar , Jagraon , Sangrur
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Disadvantages of ONLINE SPEECH THERAPY- If child have Misarticulations very much then it's not possible to improve his/her place and manner of Articulation without physical touch for example in /k/';/ch/; / kh/ ; /g/. How a Therapist tell your child where you have to place your tongue and How you have to stop the air, because these sounds are not visible like /p/, /b/. So it is a big disadvantages
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Care and MAINTENANCE OF HEARING AIDS-Do wipe them regularly with a tissue and occasionally with a slightly damp sponge. Do disconnect a BTE mold from the aid occasionally, and wash the mold in warm soapy water. The tubing may take a day or so to dry out unless you have a hand pumped air blower to dry it. Do clean wax out of the tip, whenever it is present, with a brush, a loop, a pick, or by ope
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