If anyone is having difficulty in speaking that means he is suffering from problem of speech then it is treated with a lot of techniques and by whom these problems are treated they are known as speech therapist or speech and language pathologist. Speech therapist has at least 4 years of degree BASLP (Bachelor of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology) then they become an Audiologist and Speech Therapist
What speech therapist can do?
Speech therapist are one who treated with a lots of speech problems. Now here we discussed about some of the problems which is treated by speech therapist they are as follow:
Stammering: Stammering is a kind of speech problem in which person is stuck while speaking, he used to speak one word for many times e.g. Ddddddd……..og.
Misarticulation: In misarticulation child used to speak /t/ for /k/, /l/ for /r/ etc. Misarticulation is articulation error which is a child substitute one word on the place of other word. e.g. Dod for Dog, Duct for Duck etc. sometimes child omit one syllable in a word e.g. _oil for soil, _ool for wool. Child also add something in articulation e.g. eschool for school, estation for station. These articulation errors also treated through a therapy by speech therapist.
Dyslexia: Problem of reading and writing in which child is not able to read, write or understand properly is called Dyslexia. In dyslexia child used to write a word in wrong way e.g. b (ball) for d (dall). Sometimes they donn’t understand what he has to write. They also have difficulty in making and formation of sentences. This problem is also treated under Speech Therapist.
Voice Quality: There are so many problems of voice that is called voice problem or voice disorders. The heaviness of voice, horshness of voice or if there is any change in pics and quality of voice. The treatment of voice problem is voice therapy which is also done by the speech therapist.
Attention and Concentration: If your child does not pay attention completely on any task, any conversation or do not listen or understand your words carefully, then he may be a lack of attention and concentration. If he/she is having these kinds of problems they all are treated by Speech Therapist.
Memory: If there is any problem in memory or your child find difficulty to remember anything or he is having a low IQ, if your child feel difficulty in problem solving, questioning, reasoning, judging, puzzle solving, then these difficulties are also put under memory problems. It is important to consult to a Speech Therapist due to which it is easier to early identification and intervention.
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