Speech therapist in jalandhar Some Exercise which is Helpful in Speech Therapy . You can do a lot of exercise for improving Speech clarity and quality . Exercise of Articulators ( tongue, lips , jaw etc) are helpful to improve speech clarity .Here some exercise for Tongue movement are , Tell your child to PROTRUDE Tongue , deviates to right or left side , Move tongue to right or left (cheeks) , Rotate your tongue within your Lips also . Now move on LIPS exercise for the improvement of lips improvement, you can tell your child to blow balloons, blow candle, blow air bubbles etc. It can help your child to learn how to give pressure and how to hold air in mouth. Third one is you have to take breath or air through nose and slowly exhale through mouth. Repeat this exercise twice a day for 10-15 minutes . All these exercise give strength to your Articulators and improve your Speech clarity and quality. It also give strength to your articulators.
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